10 Effective Strategies to Make a Brand Valuable and Memorable

Brand Identity: How to Develop a Unique & Memorable Brand

Thinking of starting a new business? Have you ever wondered what is the first thing you should do before starting a new business? As many experts assure you, it is very important to make yourself aware of your brand and its strategies before starting a business.

In today’s world, proper branding needs to be done to make your business successful in the market. Before you step into the world of modern business you should know how your brand will grow among endless competitors. It can become complicated if you have insufficient knowledge about it. As startups are gradually launching every year, effective branding strategies can set you apart. To build trust and loyalty among the customers, a unique and memorable brand is required which may help you in reaching your targeted audience.

In this blog, you will learn about effective strategies on how to build a strong brand. Many companies make a critical mistake when they first start their business. They neglect to communicate to customers what their brand is all about. Let’s discover how to build a powerful, memorable brand that sticks out in the marketplace by looking into the key elements of branding.

Table of Content

  1. What is a Brand?
  2. Strategies to Build a Brand

2.1. Create a Unique Brand Identity

2.2. Creating a Catchy Tagline or Slogan

2.3. Storytelling for Brand Connection

2.4. Leveraging Social Media for Brand Presence

2.5. Understanding your Target Audience

2.6. Implementing Creative Advertising Campaigns

2.7. Establishing Partnerships and Collaborations

2.8. Creating Memorable Packaging and Product Design

2.9. Being Consistent with Your Brand Message

2.10. Providing Exceptional Customer Service


What is a Brand?

According to Jeff Bezos,

Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

A brand is a product that has its own identity in the eyes of the customers. It represents consumers’ perceptions, feelings, and associations with the company and shapes their expectations and experiences.d Value

A strong brand provides a promise of quality, reliability, and consistency that influences customer loyalty and preferences. For example, famous brands such as McDonald’s, Apple, Nike, etc. have unique logos, brand identities, and attractive packaging. Apart from that, these brands give their customers an in-house experience. Now moving towards building a brand, simply means building a good reputation and making an emotional connection with its customers.

A strong and memorable brand can turn a struggling business into a success story. This is what separates a global chain like Starbucks from a local coffee shop. Research from the UK has shown that when a customer trusts your business, they are more likely to make purchases, recommend it further, and leave a positive impression on social media.

Below is the image that will tell you the importance of brand value:

What is Branding? Understanding Its Importance

Strategies to Build a Brand

Strategies to Build a Best Brand

1. Create a Unique Brand Identity

To make a brand valuable and memorable, creating a unique brand identity is a major task. Its purpose is to make your business differentiate from the competitors. By aligning your actions with your identity you can serve missions as your foundation. Create a visual identity and logo that captures the spirit of the business. It should look the same across all the media to enhance awareness. Investing time and resources in making a unique brand identity can make you stand out in the crowded market so that you build a strong relationship with your audiences. Gaining the trust and loyalty of your customers leads to a successful business.

How to Create a Unique Brand Identity

2. Creating a Catchy Tagline or Slogan

Creating catchy taglines makes your company to be recognised immediately. A good tagline carries the spirit and promise of the company leaving a positive impression on the customers. For creating a unique tagline you should first know about the core values of the company. A tagline or slogan should be concise and aligned with the brand identity as it awakens emotions, thoughts, and curiosity in the people making them learn something more about your business. So, the tagline should be short and precise and stick to the mind of the target audience.

3. Storytelling for Brand Connection

It is one of the best strategies to make your brand valuable and memorable. Storytelling builds a unique connection between your brand and the customers. By combining the journey, beliefs, mission, and vision of the company, you can create an interesting story. Stories are easier to understand and they remain in the minds of customers rather than statistics which further leads to a good impression of your products and services to the customers. By spotlighting the excitement of employees or sharing success stories, you may strengthen this bond even further. A captivating tale is a bridge that turns casual consumers into engaged and loyal promoters because consumers crave meaningful experiences.

Storytelling for Brand Connection

4. Leveraging Social Media for Brand Presence

As we all know, Social Media is a very active platform that almost every people visit at least once a day. You might have seen ads on social media while scrolling through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. By utilizing these platforms you can increase the followers, and loyalty, and make a community out of it. Making yourself active on these platforms assures regular posts every day. The dedication to communicating with the customers arises by responding to comments and solving the customer’s queries.

Using customized advertising techniques on social media helps you reach a large audience and improve your visibility. The following trends are essential for social media marketing to make it effective. Social media, when used properly, can be a very effective tool for expanding the reach of your business and building a distinctive, enduring online presence. Go through W3era’s Instagram page to see how we leverage social media for brand awareness.

5. Understanding your Target Audience

Knowing about your target audience is very important. So, if you want to communicate with your audiences you can use the developments in digital marketing. Nowadays, we have an ample amount of data available through which we can target the customers’ needs, preferences, etc, more accurately than before. The more you will invest your time and resources the more you gain knowledge about them. You have to go deep into the minds of the customers.

6. Implementing Creative Advertising Campaigns

When you think of promoting your brand, the implementation of creative advertising campaigns plays a vital role. Advertising Campaigns should be engaging and unique making the customers know about it. The key is to create campaigns that evoke an emotional response, tell a compelling story, or use humor to leave a lasting impression. Think outside the box and experiment with different media i.e. video marketing and interactive content.

Being more creative leads to making a good connection with your audience. For example, the perfume and deo company focuses mainly on delivering the best fragrance which can attract customers who are fond of perfumes. This tells us how advertising campaigns can be executed to make a connection with the customers.

7. Establishing Partnerships and Collaborations

Establishing Partnerships and Collaborations

Image Source: Afluencer

You can also establish partnerships and collaborations with other popular brands to increase your brand value, reach, and credibility. You can connect your brand with the influencers who will make your brand’s website popular and increase the followers. Also, you should be aware of the power of influencer marketing for small businesses. For example:

  • Apple and Nike are together in collaboration to create an application with the name Nike+ that has the features of Apple in it.
  • Starbucks and Spotify have partnered together so that Starbucks customers can avail the benefit of in-store music using the Spotify app. Due to this, they can promote both brands altogether.

8. Creating Memorable Packaging and Product Design

Do you know why we do creative packaging and product designing? Don’t worry, we are here to give a brief of everything. Packaging and product design is the first step where customers interact with the products physically. Creative Packaging grabs the attention of the customer leading to uplifting the experience. Unique packaging should contain the color, shape, size, etc. Developing distinctive packaging makes customers want to unbox the products. An example of this is, Apple has very sleek packaging with motivates customers fond of premium quality.

9. Being Consistent with your Brand Message

This is one of the best brand strategies as it increases your customer by maintaining your trust and loyalty among them. This can be improved by social media posts, interactions with customer services, and advertisements. You should feel consistent with your brand message on all the platforms to make it known and trustworthy. Coco-Cola in one of its campaigns delivers a brand message of happiness and togetherness.

10. Providing Exceptional Customer Service

By providing exceptional customer service you can make the customers feel that you value and care about them. This depicts the overall experience of the brand. If the customers are satisfied, and feel supported and respected, their trust towards your brand increases day by day. By Taking your customer service on a priority basis you can build long-lasting relationships with your customers.


Building a brand is a very valuable and memorable task for a new business or startup. With this, they can reach their target audiences and increase the identity of the brand. Right from creating a unique brand identity, catchy tagline, and storytelling to providing exceptional customer service you can take your brand to the new heights of success. To enrich your brand you can search for SEO services and Social Media Marketing (SMM) services. To build a unique brand you have to put efforts and connect with the respective customers through social media posts or advertising campaigns.

This blog will encourage you to start a successful business with an effective branding strategy. Slowly and gradually you will also gain the trust and loyalty of the customers by going through the strategies mentioned in this blog. We at W3era can’t wait to see your brand reach new heights of success!