Understanding AI Overviews: Their Role and Impact on SEO

what is AI overview

If you are a digital marketer enthusiast or someone who has a core interest in Google and how it works, then you would be well aware of Google’s habit of bringing in something to enhance the user’s search experience. And this time it is about AI Overviews.

Having 5.9 million searches every minute, Google understands the significance of making each and every trust invested in it, truly worth it. Hence, to keep its promise up to the mark, this time Google has streamlined users’ search experience by seamlessly blending all the quality and relevant results at the top, as a new feature, ‘AI Overview’.

Now, if you are curious to know what is AI Overview, then let’s reveal it layer by layer and comprehensively. 

What are AI Overviews?

What Are AI Overviews

AI Overviews is a newly added feature in the Google search engine, which gathers all the valuable and relevant answers for your search and reflects it above the regular search results. The good thing is that with every answer or suggestion, it interlinks the blog it has answered from.

Google AI search has eliminated the need to scroll every website and withdraw until you don’t get your answers. And now instead, it provides the most relevant searches on the top with the linked references, making the Google search experience, extremely time-saving.

Google IO 2024

Even at Google I/O 2024, the spotlight was on AI overviews, highlighting the evident shift in search engines’ interaction with query seekers. Users can now leverage the advanced features of generative AI and enjoy precise, multi-faceted search results, no matter how complex the query is. By merging these AI-driven features, Google aims to improve the search experience, making it more intuitive and effective.

Powered by Google’s Gemini it has already been a topic of debate, let’s delve deeper and understand the nuts and bolts of it. 

Why Are Google’s AI-Powered Overviews Important?

Google’s AI-Powered Overviews Important

1. Enhancing User Experience

The first and most important benefit of AI overviews is how they streamline users’ search experience. Previously, after typing in the search query, the user had to completely rely on the long list of search results and their intuitions of trusting any one of them. 

Moreover, users have to scroll through the blogs or websites until he/she does not get the desirable results. But now things have changed, Google’s AI-powered results show the top most relevant answers above the search results, that too with reference links.

Which helps users with:

  • Time Convenience
  • Frustration-Free Research
  • Quality and Faster Results

2. Enhanced Search Relevance

AI’s enhanced relevance in Google, transforms user experience by deeply understanding the context of queries, leading to more accurate results. Unlike traditional algorithms that might struggle with nuanced or complex queries, AI leverages natural language processing to interpret intent and provide precise, contextually relevant information. 

This means users receive more targeted and meaningful answers, reducing the time spent juggling through irrelevant content and improving the efficiency of their searches. Overall, AI’s advanced understanding helps users find exactly what they’re looking for with greater speed and accuracy.

Which helps users in:

  • Improved Search Efficiency
  • Personalised Search Results
  • Better Contextual Understanding

So, these are the major and direct positive impacts that reflect the significance of AI-powered overviews. If you have noticed, the whole attention of this feature is towards streamlining the user’s search experience. 

Having read about how Google improves the search experience, it is also important to know about does it works. There are a lot of algorithmic principles and SEO implications that are necessary to know.

How Do AI Overviews Work?

Here is a basic breakdown of the process Google’s AI performs while generating overviews or search result summaries.

  1. Query Processing

  2. The very first and basic step is to process the search query the user has typed in. Just like AI Bots like ChatGPT, Copy.ai and many others, Gemini also initiates its processing by analysing the words and the intentions of users and then generates the text response, based on its training model.

  3. Document Selection

  4. Relevant web pages or documents are identified and fetched to support and verify the accuracy of the initial response. This selection process ensures the response is provided with credible information.

  5. Fact-Checking

  6. The AI compares the generated response with information from the selected documents to verify its accuracy. Adjustments are made if any inconsistency or contradictions are found.

  7. Evaluation

The response is evaluated for relevance, clarity, and quality before being finalized and presented to the user. Continuous user feedback can also be used to improve future responses.

So, these are the four steps that combined create an outcome-cum-experience for someone who wants to search for value on Google. Truly, Google’s AI Search is worth being the topic of debate. But is it only about the positives? Are there negatives too? What are the best practices and what does its future scope say? If you are also curious to know these answers, then let’s open the treasure and understand the concept more deeply.

Best Practices for Structuring Content and Getting Included in AI Overviews

Structuring Content for AI Overviews
Image Source

Now, when we have studies about the significance Google plays and enhances the search experience, it is also important to understand the same from the creator’s perspective. What are the best practices or strategies that they should follow to get included in AI overviews?

Following the below-given top 5 practices can help you get the traction you want. 

  1. Create Clear and Concise Content

  2. The first and most important practice every blog or content writer should adhere to is to create straightforward content, navigating the readers directly to readers. It means that the content should have straight valuable content rather than diverting jargon. The content if is comprehensive should be broken down into digestible pieces, making it easy to read and worth suggesting. 

  3. Develop In-Depth and Authoritative Material

  4. Developing in-depth or comprehensive content for your website brings higher possibilities to lift your content higher and suggest it in AI overviews. This is because if the user searches for ‘negatives about overusing AI’ and you have covered it in your blog titled ‘AI: A revolution in the commercial industry’. It indicates your expertise and unbiased knowledge, this also covers all the relevant search topics users can search. Hence, it builds your authority and you can easily appear on overviews. 

  5. Ensure Content Freshness and Regular Updates

  6. There is a golden rule in content marketing, “To get ranked, indulge in trends.” And Google’s AI is no different. Every algorithm works according to the recent trends. Hence, it is important to keep an eye on your content calendar to create content that perfectly resonates with what’s trending in the market, along with regular updating of your old blogs. This way your content would be picked by Google and shown in its what is overviews.

    Google won’t compromise user’s experience, so should you.

  7. Focus on Targeting Long-Tail Keywords

  8. Long-Tail Keywords- A keyword having 2-4 words, is a long-tail keyword. Basically, these keywords are more specific and have the ability to target niche demographics. These keywords are less competitive if compared to generic keywords because they are crafted to better focus on how people make queries.

    According to recent statistics, 92% of search queries that happen in Google include long-tail keywords. Hence it is important to include long-tail keywords in your content.

    Tip: It is better to use only 1 long-tail keyword in your blog as more long-tail keywords might hinder the sentence structure. 

  9. Improve the User Experience

  10. Another practice that you should follow is to keep an understanding of how the user wants to consume your content. Below are the top 5 things you should keep in mind to get your content included in Google’s AI Search suggestions.

  • Use short sentences. One sentence should ideally end after 23-25 words. 
  • Use headings and sub-headings to split the content into digestible chunks.
  • Keywords should be inculcated naturally and should not be used more often. 
  • Interlinking is important, but you should only include interlinking when necessary as well as when the whole paragraph resonates the same value as the link has. Otherwise, senseless interlinking can distract the readers again and again.
  • Last but not least, take care of the technical side too, like mobile friendliness, faster loading and personal information security through HTTP.

So, these were the top 5 practices that if followed, can bring your content to AI’s overview.

Future Trends in AI Overviews and SEO

Future of AI in SEO

  1. Predicted Changes in AI Algorithms

  2. Artificial Intelligence and its working can never be rigid, it is made to touch new scopes every single day. Even now, there are many predictions by experts related to updates of AI in future. These predictions include getting synthetic customers’ information, generating real-time data, human interactivity, etc. 

    These are a few predictions from the huge list. But the main aim of acknowledging you with it was to let you know that as AI keeps going to new heights, it will change the way writers and SEO technicians handle the content and its optimization.

  3. Ways to Stay Ahead in SEO with Evolving AI

  4. As said, AI is ever-evolving, hence it is time to mold our SEO strategies according to AI. Below are 4 ways, in which you can make hay in the sunshine:

  • Understanding AI Algorithms

  • Stay informed with the updates about AI and ML algorithms. Read blogs, news, or newsletters from industry leaders to get a good pace in fast-paced competition. And according to the updates, change your SEO strategies.

  • Voice-Search Optimization

  • It is now evident how voice search seamlessly fits into the daily lifestyle, hence it is very important to optimize the content in such a way that it answers common questions and queries in a conversational tone. AI-driven voice assistants often look for natural language responses.

  • Visual Search Optimization

  • Optimize images and videos for AI-driven visual search by leveraging descriptive alt text and relevant keywords. This will boost your chance of getting your content included in AI Overviews. 

  • Engage With AI Chatbots

  • Integrate AI chatbots to enhance customer interaction on your site. These bots can provide real-time assistance and gather valuable data on user preferences and behavior.

Disadvantages of AI Overviews

Stick around to know What is AI overviews along with appreciation have been receiving harsh criticism too. Many industry experts have experimented with AI overviews to the core and have found several loopholes. 

  1. Bias and Inaccuracy

  2. Bias and Inaccuracy

    Image source- Bored Panda

    Google and other AI, completely work on training models. Hence, if something out of the search query comes that is completely unfamiliar with its training data, then it can lead to biases or completely inaccurate answers, especially in sensitive areas like hiring, lending, etc.

  3. Dependency on External Sources

  4. The accuracy of Google AI Search-generated overviews depends on the reliability of the external sources it extracts information. If these sources are outdated or incorrect, the AI’s output can also be flawed.

    Also, having numerous sources available on the internet has made it diversified credibility and quality. AI completely relies on these external sources, which makes it quite possible to get served with wrong answers. 

  5. Reduced Organic Traffic: Zero click searches 

  6. 60% of the reduction in CTR has been experienced by Google due to an increment in the use of AI. With AI providing direct answers or summarizing information in search results, users might not need to click through to websites. This can reduce the amount of organic traffic that sites receive from search engines. And all the efforts of content creators can go in vain.

  7. Limited Contextual Understanding

  8. AI may not fully understand the true intent of complex queries or topics. This can lead to oversimplified or misinterpreted information in AI overviews. AI may have difficulty maintaining context over long conversations or diverse topics, which can lead to irrelevant responses.


In summary, powered by Gemini, Google AI search is an amazing feature that focuses on streamlining the user search experience by gathering relevant searches altogether and bringing them as a separate section named ‘AI Overview’. This evolution of Artificial Intelligence has brought up a lot of potential predictions as well as the urge to change SEO strategies likewise. These include strategies like voice search optimization, visual search optimization engaging with AI Chatbots, and much more.

However, despite a lot of advantages is reflected over the internet when it’s about what is AI Overview. However, the truth is that AI Overview still needs to be improved as it reflects disadvantages like data biases, inaccurate results, etc. Hence, we should keep an eye on technology, but not completely rely on it. 


  1. How to get a Google AI overview?
    First of all, it is important to have your incognito mode off. Ensure you are signed in with your Google Account, and then once you search your query, Google will automatically generate AI Overviews.
  2. How to use Google AI Overview?
    Open the Google app or Chrome.
    Signed into your Google Account with Incognito mode turned off.
    Tap Labs Manage, located at the top.
    Switch off ​​​​​or on. “AI Overviews and more”.
  3. Is Google’s AI free?
    Yes, Google provides its AI free of cost. Its AI is called Gemini which is a newer version of Bard.
  4. What does Google I/O mean?
    Google I/O is an annual developer conference hosted by Google, where new technologies, software updates, and innovations are showcased. It typically includes keynotes, technical sessions, and hands-on labs for developers.