5 Warning Signs Your SEO Consultant is NOT Competent

Spot red flags! Learn 5 warning signs of an incompetent SEO consultant.

Lack of Transparency 

A competent SEO should transparently explain strategies and goals without hesitation or secrecy.

Unrealistic Promises  

In both marriage and SEO consulting, unrealistic promises of instant results raise concerns as SEO requires patience and long-term efforts 

Doesn't Ask for Analytics Access

Competent SEOs require client cooperation and access to essential accounts like Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and site admin.  

Failure to Stay Up-to-date 

SEO's dynamic nature demands continuous learning and staying updated on Google updates, guidelines, and best practices.  

Treating You as a Vendor, Not a Partner

A successful SEO consultant treats the client relationship as a partnership, celebrating wins, sharing responsibilities, and providing the best solutions.