7 ChatGPT Mistakes You're Making and How to Fix Them

By w3era

Trying for Facts 

Mistake 1

Use chatGpt for ideas, and inspiration, not for facts like data.

Giving Up Too Soon 

Mistake 2

If you're not getting the results you want to reframe, simplify, and add context.

Generic Tone Usage 

Mistake 3

Instead of just going with the flow, specify personas that are tailored to suit your style or character.

Lack of Perspective 

Mistake 4

You have to developed your point of view first and then, combine your ideas for impactful content. 

Insufficient Context 

Mistake 5

Provide details such as Background, examples, and style because the more information you can provide to ChatGPT, the better get results.

Mixed Topics or Tasks 

Mistake 6

Maintain focus on accurate and organized prompts by topic to get quality responses. 

Extended Sessions 

Mistake 7

It's better to Focus on one aspect at a time. Shorten sessions to retain context.  

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