How to Write a Formal Email: The Ultimate Guide

When to Write a Formal Email

Formal emails are for work, job inquiries, or business, so always be polite and professional.

Greet appropriately

Select a polite greeting, avoid informal ones, and find examples of proper greetings for reference.

Check your email address

Choose a professional email address with your name or initials; avoid informal or personal addresses.

Choose a professional font

Choose simple fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, and avoid fancy fonts to look professional.

Craft your subject line

Write brief subject lines, focus on what they care about, and match the email's topic.

Introduce yourself

Begin with what you can offer, share your name and company, and finish with a clear request.

Use a formal close

Select proper closing words, stay professional, and learn from the given formal closing examples for your emails.

Include a professional signature

Make a complete email signature with your name, contact, job, awards, and social media links if needed.

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